September 13, 2024
Toonies for Terry Fox
This year marks the 45th anniversary of Terry’s heroic journey. The students will be running on Friday September 20th.
We as a school have a virtual fundraising page for FRMS:
Donations will… more
May 30, 2023
Donations to FRMS
Fraser River Middle School is thankful for all our donations big or small. They help support programs within our school to enhance learning opportunities.
If you would like to make a donation to Fraser River Middle School you can go… more
May 18, 2021
No School! Friday, May 21, 2021
Just a reminder that there is a Pro D Day on Friday May 21, 2021. There will be no school for
September 18, 2019
Pro D Skate Mon Sept 23rd
There will be a Pro D Skate on Monday Sept 23rd from 9:30am-11:30am.
Location: Moody Park Arena
Admission: $1.00
Skate Rentals: $2.25/person
Hope to see you
June 28, 2019
Game of Apps Jr. – Summer Camp
The Game of Apps Jr.—Summer Camp is a condensed version of the successful 24-week Game of Apps after-school high school program.
This camp is designed for middle school students and will introduce them to design skills, critical… more
June 13, 2019
Summer Solstice Youth Swim June 21st
Kick off the summer at Moody Park Outdoor Pool on Friday June 21st from 7:30-9:00 pm.
There will be inflatables, free BBQ, and activities with tons of prizes to be won! The event will be DJ’d by our very own Royal City Sound… more
May 31, 2019
2019 End of Year Band Concert
Fraser River Middle School’s Grade 6/7 and Grade 8 Bands have been hard at work practicing for their upcoming band concert!
When: Tuesday, June 18th
Where: FRMS Gym
Times: 1:00 pm and 6:30 pm
We hope to see you… more
May 30, 2019
Train to Become an Education Assistant
Please attend our upcoming information session on training to become an Education Assistant.
Please see information here
When: Thursday, June 13, 7pm
Where: Fraser River Middle School (Learning Commons)
Drop-in event,… more
May 28, 2019
Spirit Wear for Sale!!
Just a reminder that Spirit Wear is currently on sale until Tuesday May 25th at 3pm.
Please get your order in as soon as you can.
You can purchase your orders online through school cash… more
May 28, 2019
Babysitter Training (Grade 6-8)
Learning to care for kids of all ages is a big task and takes practice. Students will develop skills that will help them with the following:
*Find and prepare for a babysitting job
*Care for kids of all ages and deal with difficult… more