
June 7, 2018

Band Concert – June 12th, 2018

Fraser River Middle School’s Grade 6/7 and Grade 8 Bands have been hard at work practicing for their upcoming band concert!

When:  Tuesday June 12th

Where:  FRMS Gym

Times:  1:00 pm and 6:00

May 11, 2018

Travis Lulay and Cody Husband Football Camp

Full day camp for kids ages 6 – 13

Date:  SUNDAY, MAY 13, 2018

Time: 10 am – 3 pm at Mercer Stadium

  • Participate in a non-padded football camp and have lots of fun.
  • Learn the fundamentals of more

May 11, 2018

Grade 8 Leaving Assembly

The Grade 8 Leaving Assembly will be taking place on Wednesday, June 27th from 9:00 – 10:10 am.  A note will be sent home with more details and requesting families indicate how many members will be attending.  There will be a luncheon for more

April 10, 2018

Articulation Timeline for Students attending NWSS & Fraser River in September 2018

Please see the attached link to view the Articulation Timeline for Students attending NWSS & Fraser River in September of 2018.

NWSS Articulation Time

April 4, 2018

Volunteer Appreciation Night

Dear Parents and Guardians,

The Board of Education is hosting a Volunteer Recognition Evening at Fraser River Middle School and we would like to acknowledge all the members of our community and school who take the time out of their busy more

March 16, 2018


FRMS’ Got Talent 2.0!  We are very excited to announce that our second annual show is well under way!  We will be showcasing some of our amazing students and celebrating all of the talent they bring to our community!  All grades more

March 6, 2018

2nd Annual FRMS Entrepreneurial Fair

The 2nd annual FRMS Entrepreneurial Fair will be taking place on Friday, May 4th, from 2-5:30 p.m.  Students of FRMS and some community members will be selling items such as baked goods, art, jewelry and much more.  FRMS students more

February 22, 2018

NWSS Parent Information Night for Students going into Grade 9

Please click here to view information on the upcoming Parent/Family Information night held at NWSS on March 1st for families of students entering grade 9 in the upcoming school

February 22, 2018

Join us to discuss the 2018 pilot Ferry Service

City staff would like to meet with local residents and businesses to share the 2018 pilot ferry vision and discuss how it measures up with your aspirations for the service.  Please join us at one of the following.

Open houses:

Inn at the more

February 13, 2018

New Westminster Innovation Week – Free Family Friendly Events

Innovation Week is a week-long City of New Westminster event that celebrates innovation and technology in our region from February 23 to March 3, 2018.  There are more than 15 events over the whole week.  Registration is required for many, so more