June 28, 2019
Game of Apps Jr. – Summer Camp
The Game of Apps Jr.—Summer Camp is a condensed version of the successful 24-week Game of Apps after-school high school program.
This camp is designed for middle school students and will introduce them to design skills, critical thinking, and coding in HTML/CSS/JavaScript as they build their own web application (an illustrated “choose your own adventure” story).
The camp will culminate with the students showcasing their work to their peers, family and the public. One of the goals of this camp is to inspire students to further their learning of design, coding and technology.
The instructor is Roland Tecson, a 29 year veteran of the Tech industry (having worked in Vancouver, Ottawa, Silicon Valley, Hong Kong and Stockholm). He will work with a team of high school student mentors (graduates of the Game of Apps program).
The camp will be held from July 29 to August 9 (except August 5 which is a holiday) from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm in room 164 at New Westminster Secondary School. The cost is $238. Students must bring their own laptop computers (Windows or Mac).
Please visit gameofapps.org (click on Summer Camp) for more details and for registrations.