October 17, 2019
Grade 8 Hoodie
This year, our Grade 8 students have the
opportunity to purchase a commemorative
“ Class of 2020” Grad Hoodie . The maroon
pullover hoodies will have a “Class of 2020”
design on the back and a smaller “FRMS” design
on the front in grey print. Please be sure to
review with your child the appropriate sizing.
Each child has already had an opportunity to try
on a particular size. However, it is important that you review this size with
your child one last time. Sizes for the grad hoodies are as follows: Adult Extra
Large (XL), Adult Large (L), Adult Medium (M), and Adult Small (S). The cost
for a grad hoodie will be $25 (tax included).
If you are interested in purchasing a pullover hoodie for your child, please
have your order filled out online by Friday, November 15, 2019 . Limited
quantities available. Order now so you don’t miss out! All orders and
payments must be made online through: School Cash Online