April 28, 2020
Library Update – April 27, 20202
All FRMS students are invited to engage in weekly literacy and ADST activities through Google Classroom. The details of the activities will be shared on Google classroom starting April 27th. To access, please follow the steps below. Classroom teachers will also be sharing this information with their students in their weekly learning plans:
-Login to their newwestschools.ca student account;
-Go to classroom.google.com;
-At the top right of the page click on the “+” sign where it states “Join a class”; and
-Enter the class code: ygz3qn3
Many students may be looking for a way to access digital books at this time. Last week’s update contained a number of places to access digital books. If you have any questions about these resources or need further assistance, please email our Teacher-Librarian, Jen Harrison at jharrison@sd40.bc.ca.