January 21, 2025
Severe Weather Conditions
With the possibility of snow in the forecast, we want to remind you that all schools in the New Westminster School District will remain OPEN, if at all possible, during the colder and potentially snowy or icy weather this winter may bring.
In rare instances where a school closure is needed, we will try to announce the decision by 6:30 am or soon thereafter.
There are a few different ways you can check to see what’s happening:
• Emails will be made to parents & caregivers who are part of the School Messenger system
• A notice will be posted on the District websites: https://newwestschools.ca/
• You can follow our District’s social media channels, as notifications will be posted there:
o Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/newwestschools
o Twitter: https://twitter.com/newwestschools
• And a list of school closures is also usually read on multiple local radio and TV stations, including on CKNW (AM 980), CBC (AM 690/FM 88.1), News 1130-City News (AM 1130), Global TV, Fairchild and BC CTV.
Student safety is our top priority and we ask that if a parent/caregiver feels their child cannot travel safely to or from school, then they should make alternate arrangements for the day. Student absences due to unsafe travel during inclement weather conditions will of course be excused.
Please see attached notice about school procedures during severe weather conditions. WinterWeather2022-Parent-Final