May 29, 2020
Touching Base – May 29, 2020
Dear Parents / Guardians,
I hope everyone is doing well. I wanted to let you know a few things as we leave the month of May behind with all of it’s challenges. We now embark on a new stage starting June 1st.
As you know some students will be returning next week for in class instruction, two half days a week, unless other arrangements have been made due to the needs of families. Families completed our surveys stating yes or no to the optional return to school. Each family has their unique reasons as to why they may or may not wish to send their child to school next week or the weeks to follow. Feel confident and comfortable in knowing that only you can make the best decision for your family.
For June, schedules have been set for each child that is returning to the two half day instruction. Follow up phone calls have been made today for those parents/guardians who may have had difficulty accessing the link to our most recent survey.
Remote learning will still continue through the month of June. The staff have been working really hard to keep students engaged. On behalf of the staff at Fraser River, I would like to thank you for all of your encouragement, kind words of support and compliments.
The safety of all of our staff, students and families in general are top of mind, both at school and in the community.
Have a great weekend and be safe.
Debbie Jones
Dates to remember:
Monday, June 1: Reopening of schools for some students
Thursday, June 25: Report Cards available on the parent portal
Thursday, June 25: Last day for students
Friday, June 26: Administration day for staff
Articulation for Students
The articulation meetings for both the grade 5 students and the grade 8 students transitioning to their next school have been completed. School teams have connected and the next stage is to work on class placements for next year.
Mental Well-Being Information and Resources
Please click here for mental health resources provided by the Ministry of Education.