News & Events

April 28, 2020

Weekly Update from our Principal – April 27, 2020

With the online learning that we are navigating, the focus the last couple of weeks has been on literacy and numeracy.  As we continue, you will notice that social studies and science will be phased in.  For the most part, teachers will be embarking on increasing the cross-curricular studies.  This is not foreign for Fraser River staff because our school goal for the last two years has been ‘to create an engaging environment where students collaborate and learn through cross-curricular explorations’.  All of our staff are thriving with their collaboration and cross-curricular explorations.  We will continue to develop and grow to support our so very important student body.


Last week we sent a link for you to watch a video of the staff at Fraser River with your child(ren).  Thank you Ms. Harrison for all of your hard work so we could send this important message to our students.  The video has since been updated with more of our staff involved.  See the link below.


What to expect this week:

  • Classroom teachers will continue to send home weekly plans by Monday morning so families can prepare for the week ahead
  • In this document is a link to connect students to the virtual Learning Commons
  • District continues to update its website


Please continue to reach out if you need support from the school.  We are here to help in any way we can.


Take care and be safe,


Debbie Jones


Educators change the world one pencil at a time… here is the latest video. Enjoy!





National Day of Mourning Tuesday, April 28

The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) reminds us that the National Day of Mourning, April 28, is not only a day to remember and honour those lives lost or injured due to a workplace tragedy, but also a day to renew the commitment to improve health and safety in the workplace and prevent further injuries, illnesses and deaths



If you are still in need of a loan for a Chromebook please follow the link to the application process. The district is lending Chromebooks out centrally:



Parents and students please watch this friendly video to highlight digital citizenship and the appropriate use of Teams and Google:



Online Resources



Virtual Mental Health Supports During COVID-19




Unique opportunity for Parents and Students to access Complimentary Remote Training Session and Valuable Resources.