April 7, 2020
Weekly Update from our Principal – April 6, 2020
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I am so thankful that everyone has been so supportive and understanding as we navigate a completely different delivery of education.
By now you should have heard from your classroom teacher. The staff are working diligently to provide the “Continuity of Learning” for your child(ren). This is new ground for all of us. Parents/guardians should see work provided by teachers as opportunities rather than assignments. Nobody can take advantage of all opportunities; they should take advantage of the ones that work for them.
This is what you can expect this week:
- Home Base and Learning Support Teachers/EAs reaching out to connect with families and students
- Information on the remote learning platform your child(ren) will be using (Google Classroom or Microsoft Teams)
- A request to provide parental consent for use of digital technology (sent to all families on Friday, April 3) Please complete this online consent as soon as possible so that our students can engage in digital communication and learning. Reach out to your child’s teacher or myself if you have any questions or concerns.
- More information for those families who identified needs on the district survey (childcare, food security, loan of Chromebook). If you have not received the link to request, a Chromebook you will find it attached.
If your child has essential items (glasses, medication, personal devices, chargers..) at the school that they need to pick up please contact me directly by email djones@sd40.bc.ca to book an appointment. If you have traveled within 14 days or have any symptoms, please do not come to the school.
Until next week… take care, stay safe, and do not hesitate to contact me.
Debbie Jones
Please note: You may receive phone calls from a blocked number. This may be staff reaching out to you and they may be using a personal phone.